Pulling the plane out of the hangar!
Refueling the petroltanks in the wings.
Andreas the pilot-apprentice, Im so proud of him! It worked as he always got full control so I felt safe!
"Kraftig sidevind fra høyre og vindkast gjorde dette til en vanskelig landing. Litt før landing hører man "stall warning" alarmen på grunn av et vindkast."
Training on steep swings in 8-numbers! It was quite dizzy!
Wow, dizzy manauver!
"Innflyging og landing (touch and go) på Starmoen Flyplass (Elverum) i en 99 Piper Archer III. Under takeoff holder vi oss rett over rullebanen og bygger fart før vi drar hardt opp. "
Another landing at Starmoen Airport(Elverum)! 33 km(airline) from Hamar Airport we leaved from.
Apprentice and instructor.
Im sitting back. We stayed in touch with another with headset because of the noise from the motor.
Did you see this plane ower Hamar-area saturday in between 12 and 1430? This is my friend from another flight!
Here is following some photos of great views ower Hamar and the country around!
The ridge at the top to left is Vangsåsen/Steinfjellet.
Somewhere in the Løten-fields I think.
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