Monday, December 21, 2009

Andreas got smallplane-licence!

My good friend Andreas Korsnes god his smallplane-licence on friday. The external examiner said that it was one of the best run-ups he had sensored! He have got his pilot-dream already since his childhood, and we have been good friends since he was born a half year after me.
He immediately after his flightexam invited me and his sister Jenny on a flight! It was good and clear weather and good view ower all the winterlandscape. We flew to both Løten and thereafter ower Norways greatest lake Mjøsa and far out in the woods on the other side of the lake, and we landed on a airfield in the woods there.

Flying ower the city of Hamar!

Andreas give me oppurtunity to flew the plane!

Landing at Reinsvoll Airfield far out in the wilderness!

Wow, sharp swing! Great feeling!

Take off from Reinsvoll Airfield

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Monday, December 07, 2009


Hi again, Im still alive!
Long since last update, the first reason is that my camera is stolen!
And the second reason is that Ive been so busy the last months with both work and DisipleTrainingSchool in Youth with a Mission. My organistjob is so dependent(the most of the work can i do when I want) that its good to combine with school in my sparetime. DTS is kind of a bibleschool where we are training on how to be diciples of Jesus Christ! So there its much good teaching and good friends!
In lack of photos I think I rather should continiuoe my blog with thougts and interesting links/videoes.
I start with some quotes of our saviour Jesus Christ!
“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
- Jesus Christ (John 8,12)
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
- Jesus Christ (Matt 11,28-30)
Do you lack the light who could show you the way further in life? Or do you need hope in your darkness and sorrows? Try to follow Jesus and he will help you and give you rest!

Follow me on twitter or subscribe on facebook to stay updated. For questions or whatever, please comment or message me.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

At the Worlds end

In Mai I was on Vågsøy an Island uttermost at the Atlantic Ocean on Norways westcoast. It feels to be at the worlds end with the wild, barren and mighty mountains uttermost at the almost endless ocean. I was there togheter with my family at my grandfathers 90-years anniversary.
Follow this link to find this Island on the map.

It feels a little bit like another world for a landcrab from the inland. Fantastic to come out to real wild nature sometimes and enjoy the piece.

Mountainwalk with my good relatives, uncle, aunt, cousins and siblings.

This very delishious beach Refviksanden is too on the same island.

Me photographing.

Looking towards Vestkapp, the uttermost western mountain plateau in North Europe.

Me with the famous Kannestein(Canstone).

Great to see the Atlantic Ocean again. Its good experience too see into the almost endless Atlantic ocean.

Isolated place to live there on te other side is seems.

My dad on the famous Kannestein(Canstone) posing for my uncle who takes photo.

Togheter with my good friend and cousin Marius on trip in rough weather.

Walk in mountain togheter with cousin, uncle, aunt and siblings.

Inwards the fiord.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Flight again!

My good friend Simon Stensrud had his first flyinglesson and I joined his flight!
More photos from this fligths here.

Simon landing.
Wow, sharp 60 degree swing! We felt the G-force!

My other good friend Andreas taking nice spirals downwards from ca 6000 feet height!

Nice and dizzy swings!

Andreas Korsnes with nice lowpass flying ower beautiful norwegian winter-forest.

Our friend Dag Marius(lowest in lightgreen) was parachuting from helicopter.

Nice view. Andreas Korsnes flying!

Andreas's proud dad Geir Olav, and Andreas's little daugther.

Me in the backseat.


Andreas flew up to ca 1800 m! Great view up among the mountains in the horizon.

At ca 6000 feet! Fantastic to be that high!


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Sunday, April 12, 2009


My good friend Andreas Korsnes was so kind taking me with on his flyinglesson! He are taking the smallplane-certificate and wants to be certificated for larger planes and be pilot! On short time we was in both Elverum, Hamar and Toten! Little bit silly to be at the places Im used to drive hours in car between on short time in plane! This was truly a great and exiting experince!

Pulling the plane out of the hangar!

Refueling the petroltanks in the wings.

Andreas the pilot-apprentice, Im so proud of him! It worked as he always got full control so I felt safe!

"Kraftig sidevind fra høyre og vindkast gjorde dette til en vanskelig landing. Litt før landing hører man "stall warning" alarmen på grunn av et vindkast."

Training on steep swings in 8-numbers! It was quite dizzy!

Wow, dizzy manauver!

"Innflyging og landing (touch and go) på Starmoen Flyplass (Elverum) i en 99 Piper Archer III. Under takeoff holder vi oss rett over rullebanen og bygger fart før vi drar hardt opp. "

Another landing at Starmoen Airport(Elverum)! 33 km(airline) from Hamar Airport we leaved from.

Apprentice and instructor.

Im sitting back. We stayed in touch with another with headset because of the noise from the motor.

Did you see this plane ower Hamar-area saturday in between 12 and 1430? This is my friend from another flight!

Here is following some photos of great views ower Hamar and the country around!

The ridge at the top to left is Vangsåsen/Steinfjellet.

Somewhere in the Løten-fields I think.



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